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Review of Favi SmartStick Wireless Keyboard | Testfreaks The Blog

A little bit ago I reviewed the Rapoo E2700 wireless keyboard and I liked it a lot, but today I have a keyboard that for my uses will replace the Rapoo as I like it much better overall. Today for review I have the Favi SmartStick Wireless Keyboard and it’s just what it sounds like, a wireless keyboard. The Favi keyboard is very small and meant to be used with an HTPC or Android system and it even has a touchpad built-in for navigation along with numerous special buttons like those used with Android and multimedia buttons. The keyboard also has a built-in laser pointer and presentation buttons so you could even use it for work if you wanted to, but it’s real use I think is for Android or Windows computers and their multimedia uses. Read on to learn more…

via Review of Favi SmartStick Wireless Keyboard | Testfreaks The Blog.

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