PC News, Hardware, Software
LG Rumoured to Unveil 8K Display at CES 2015
While most are convinced that 4K is the future of display technology, LG begs to differ and is rumoured to unveil an 8K display at CES 2015 in Las Vegas. The event will start on January 6th and the rumoured display is a 55-inch TV with a 7,860x 4,320-pixel resolution display. There are currently no video sources that can provide that display but according to CNET, a PC with strengthened display was used with 3D images generated by an Nvidia GPU during development. LG is not the only company looking far ahead to 8K, Sharp’ prototype netted an award from the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and is getting a lot of support for 8K broadcast standard in Japan.

Source: CNET