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R.I.P. Catalyst Control Center, Long Live Radeon Settings

Good news for fans of the red team, AMD has finally announced a massive revamping of their Catalyst Control Center software. The upcoming update will be called, simply enough, Radeon Settings Crimson Edition. The preview of what the main window will look like can be seen below, which is a lot more modern, simple and intuitive than the clunky old C.C.C. design.


AMD promieses that the new Radeon Settings software will be a lot snappier and faster loading as well with built-in per-game profile management.



Aside from providing improved navigation and access to Catalyst Control Center features, Radeon Settings also retains the AMD overdrive overclocking function which users can also configure specifically per-game tied to the profile. Users can adjust GPU overclocks as well as fan controls.

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The video preview of the announcement is available below and the actual update is expected to launch in November.


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