PC Case Modding

QuakeCon 2018 Staff vs. Staff Modding Contest: Case #1

RAGE 2 Truck

2018 was my 4th year doing the Modders Inc Staff vs Staff modding contest. The reason we started to do this contest was to show how you can create some great looking cases without having to spend a lot of money. What this does is test your skills of being creative and resourceful while creating something that could win in a head to head competition. With the cases to be displayed at QuakeCon 2018 and the theme picked this year was anything based off of id software and Bethesda I figure something from RAGE 2 would be a good idea. But wait the game is not out yet how can I design something from something no one has seen. Well, we kind of do have something, the RAGE 2 trailer released at E3. After watching the trailer a few times I thought that the truck that the player jumps into was a perfect item to do since it was tall and lean: like a computer case.

A huge thanks you goes out to Fractal Design, EVGA, Kingston, Swiftech, and iFixit for providing the hardware. All four of the contestants were given almost identical hardware so that no one would have an advantage. The sponsored products allow us to focus more on the modding and keeping the overall cost down. Even though we are lucky enough to get hardware what we like to do is show people how to make a great looking case (without hardware) for less than a $300 usd investment.


QuakeCon 2018 Staff vs. Staff Modding Contest: Case #1 Case Mod, case modding contest, rage 2 1

Case Fractal Design Define R6
CPU Intel Core i7-8700k
Motherboard EVGA Z370 Classified K
Graphics Card EVGA GTX 1070 Ti 8GB
Power Supply EVGA SuperNOVA 850W P2 with EVGA sleeved cables
CPU Cooling Swiftech Apogee SKF
Pump Swiftech Maelstrom D5
Storage Kingston 480GB m.2 SATA
Memory 2x8GB Kingston ValueRAM DDR4 2400

Below are some images during the construction of the RAGE 2 Case Mod with some final completion shots showing off the Winner of the 2018 Staff vs Staff Case Mod off.


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