
Custom Computer Hardware Test Bench : by AmericanFreak

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I had made the “Rescue PC” custom pc to make it easier to travel to other peoples homes but this time I wanted something for my house. This hardware test bench would serve me two purposes. One, it would allow me to check mine and friends hardware at my home with ease. Two, it would also allow me to test review computer hardware we get here at

I had made the “Rescue PC” custom pc to make it easier to travel to other peoples homes but this time I wanted something for my house. This hardware test bench would serve me two purposes. One, it would allow me to check mine and friends hardware at my home with ease. Two, it would also allow me to test review computer hardware we get here at

Yes I could have bought a test bench that has everything out in the open air, but why? I wanted something that would simulate a PC case, but be easy to access when needed. So this is what I came up ….. 

I wanted it to be as lite as possible so I decided to use 1/2 inch angled Aluminum. 

Custom Computer Hardware Test Bench : by AmericanFreak blog 1

The corners needed to be smooth and with no sharp edges. I do not have a welder that can do Aluminum so I will have to bend it. I figured out where I wanted the bends, marked two 45 degree angles, and cut it with a jig saw.

Custom Computer Hardware Test Bench : by AmericanFreak blog 2

The Aluminum needed to be notched in a few more places to make the frame shaped the way I wanted.

Custom Computer Hardware Test Bench : by AmericanFreak blog 3

Slowly bending the metal together I was able achieve the corners I wanted. If you bend it too much and to hard you can crack the aluminum.

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Here is the first piece done. It is the top main frame for the Test Bench. 

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