Modder's Materials

MDPC-X Sleeving Overview

I must ask you a question, but I will sleeve it for later. It seems case modding just keeps evolving and the bar is constantly rising for features that set your mod apart from the crowd. For the longest time, cable management was nothing more than who could hide their cables the best. Most of the time, that meant packing every cable possible into the back panel, laying your case on its side and pressing with all your might to force the panel back on your chassis, pop the thumbscrews back in and seal the evil within. However, in the past few years, this is no longer accepted as wire management but rather considered just a sloppy short cut.

With the introduction of the sleeving movement came a new standard in cable management, where cables were not hidden anymore, but out on display complimenting the build. In addition, judges for modding competitions now had a new factor to add to their checklist for judging competitors. Much like water cooling that started with one main brand “Danger Den”, sleeving too started with a major single player: “MDPC-X.”


First up is the original sleeving that really started the movement of taking your cables to the next level. MDPC-X founded in 2007 comes to us from Nils Papke of Germany. With the introduction of MDPC also came Nils’ hall of fame style website dubbed, Million Dollar PC (

MDPC comes in at a six millimeter width prior to stretching, which is significantly larger than other sleeving on the market but allows for better coverage when stretched. With a wider weave, MDPC is also much more flexible than sleeving at four millimeter and smaller, which tend to be more rigid. This however comes at the cost of being more difficult to sleeve with, due to requiring more stretching to achieve proper coverage.

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MDPC is available in twenty four different colors and is classified as a PET style sleeving. PET or (polyethylene terepthalate) is made by weaving mono-filament fibers together into a loom. In the case of MDPC, they use a tri-threaded weave for both their small single wire sleeving and their larger SATA style sleeving. In addition to the small and SATA style sleeving, MDPC offers a “Special Diameter” Sleeving which, unlike the small and SATA sleeving, is round instead of flat. This sleeving is used for thicker cables, such as the front panel I/O cables.

Psycho Sleeve ExamplePhoto from

MDPC is one of the only sleeving solutions that can achieve both heatshrinkless and heatshrink methods. This is due to the pattern of the weave allowing it to compress down further compared to other sleeving. This allows the sleeving to enter the receptacle with both heatshrink and the sleeving without it bunching up, causing an unsightly bulge. The heatshrinked style of cables is considered to be the mark of a master sleever and possibly a psychopath due to the level of difficulty it presents.

mdpc-exampleSleeving by Sanctum Sleeving

Overall, I would rate MDPC as the highest grade when it comes to sleeving, as Nils oversees all the manufacturing in his shop in Germany, compared to other vendors that order from China. After using MDPC since 2009, the quality has never changed and it looks and feels the same the same as when I first began sleeving. However, as mentioned, the sleeving is not the friendliest to beginners and does require quite a bit ofstretching to achieve full coverage. For those willing to put in the practice, MDPC is sure to make an impression and make your system have that extra pop.

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